For some people, a growl and/or a snap maybe aggression. For others, aggression is only when the dog bites. If your dog’s behaviour is a problem to you then it is a problem that needs resolving.

Here at K9-Solutions we have Dog Behaviour Specialist that provide a consultancy service to dog owners offering help with a broad range of behavioural issues.

A one-to-one consultation at your home allows us to develop a tailored behaviour modification programme for your dog.

The most common problems that might require a Dog Behaviour Specialist are separation anxiety, aggression, chasing behaviour, not coming when called, fears and phobias, jumping up on people, not listening to owner, pulling on the lead.

The main methods that our Dog Behaviour Specailist use to modify your dog’s behaviour are:

  • - careful analysis of where, when and how the problems occur
  • - examination of the relationships between all members of the human-dog “pack”
  • - ruling out physical causes by veterinary examination
  • - use of a reward based training to encourage “good” behaviour which over rules the undesirable behaviour. Clicker training.
  • - Setting of boundaries for the dog, participation by all members of the household and gradual progress from simple to more complex tasks


Behaviour change can happen fairly quickly or take much longer depending on:

  • - the severity of the problem and how long it has been going on for
  • - the personality and breed of the dog
  • - the amount of time the owner is prepared to spend with their dog addressing the problem


To find out more about my services please contact our Dog Behaviour Specialist by phone on 0405 826 125 or email us through our Contact Page.

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0405 826 125 or

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